
Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Epic Cringe & Sudden Realisation

Hi there people of the internet xD

So as I was binge watching Danisnotonfire, and was re-watching him react to his old website, I remembered that I have a BLOG! (ooooooohs and aaaaaaahhssss in the background).
I've spent the vast majority of the last 30 minutes going through this blog's posts, and epically cringing at half of them. I realised how much I've changed, and how much I've remained exactly the same. I also got lost in memories of the friendships which were so incredibly powerful during the making of this blog.

The three people who made this blog; Smiley, Gulie and I, are all at different school now. I haven't contacted Smiley since school ended, but at least Gulie and I still meet up now and then, and (thank you good Jesus for the creation of ever-so-time-consuming social media) we chat a handlful of times a week. So contact with one of the best friends I've ever had hasn't been lost, which I am so grateful for and appreciative of. Losing her completely would've been painful, to say the least. I've already lost contact with so many friends due to school, I really didn't want our friendship to disintegrate,

This lead to me thinking about all the wonderful and horrible times I've experienced with my friends, and it got me thinking; as each day goes by it all seems very bland and boring, nothing ever seems to change, like we're in a permanent rut. But then, when time passes and we finally look back on it, we're amazed at how everything is completely different, at just how much our lives have changed. Which just comes to show how we really can't judge the future and make assumptions based on a current situation, for we can never tell how it will really turn out in the long run. We only see a tiny fraction of the big picture, and sometimes we forget that and we lose ourselves in our narrowed vision. Sometimes we just need to remember to take a step back, breathe, and open our eyes to our surroundings; to think of the big picture.

As I'm getting older I'm realising how important taking life by the reigns is, to not let life slip through my grasp as I struggle to live life as I 'should' instead of as i want. And so, people who apparently still stumble upon this blog (i have no clue how or why, but okay), straighten your back, take a step back and breathe. 

What you have won't be there forever, so appreciate it while it's still there.


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