
Friday, 1 March 2013

We are all different

Hey guys! I was filing through the mountain of papers which was my room (exams made it overflow) and i found this blog post I had written at school once. I had meant to post it, as I've meant to post so many other things, but my laziness took over, and for that I deeply apologize. So, here it is:

Different, everybody is different, unique. No one is like the other. Looking at the world around me I see so many familiar faces. We're all supposed to be doing the same thing, we're in the same place but the differences between each and every one of us is undeniable. We're all wearing the same uniform, everyone's hair is pulled back, no jewellery, no make-up, no accessories but we all mark our identities. You can identify everyone's character and personality.  Some are reading a book under their desks, they are the bookworms. My desk buddy constantly hums or taps the desk or pencil or moves her shoulders- she gives off the love for music. I would be able to tell easily, even if she wasn't one of my best friends. You notice people twirling their hair or fixing their skirts or sneaking glances at their pocket mirrors- the fahionistas. There are those who constantly distract the class, always taking or playing around, those who couldn't care less. Then there are those select few who are actually taking notes and paying close attention, they're the ones who truly care and wish to do well. They're the determined ones. People with dried paint on their hands. Those who stick up for others. The loud girls, the shy girls and the teacher's pets. The girls staring out the window- off on cloud nine- are certainly not lacking.
Everyone has their own style, everyone is different. I seem to vary between all of these. I pay attention and take notes, grades mean a lot to me. I always try to look my best and it wouldn't be the first time that i read in class. I love music so I do hum, just not as often as my desk buddy. And of course, everyone who knows me would say that I often space out. I accept these things about myself, they're who I am, but the one thing I wouldn't be able to forgive is trying to distract others. I don't want to be that person and I never will be.
Everyone feels comfortable in their own skin, with their group and inside their comfort zone. We lie in a world where everyone is classified and judged over everything. Separated and rated we all are. But, once we are separated, even though it's an unkind process, we find those who are like us, those with whom we fit in.

Obviously I was at school and extremely bored. Hope you liked it!  -CC

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