
Sunday, 3 June 2012

Accept yourself the way you are.

It's important to love yourself the way you are. You must accept the way you look, act and feel. If you don't have the most perfect figure, you have to realize that you're not a model, and besides, models aren't wanted stick thin anymore. You can wish as much as you want, but puppy fat won't go away with the snap of your fingers. It does not do to dwell on dreams. If you want to get thinner, you have to work for it, do some exercise, stop being a couch-potato! If you want to go on diet, be careful. Not all diets suit everyone. It's also easy to become anorexic or bulimic if you don't pick the right diet. Realize this: STARVING YOURSELF WON'T HELP. The best diet for everyone is a balanced diet, one must eat the right foods in the right portions and one must not accede the amount of Joules they should take (according to size, age and maturity).

If you don't like your facial features, you you probably blame yourself. DON'T. It's not your fault! If you want to make yourself prettier, go have a facial, use the right products, shape your eyebrows and use some makeup. In my opinion, the best way to make yourself prettier is to show off your inner beauty. The best accessory is a smile. So smile and laugh the day away! Make yourself fun and nice to be around, not just by the way you look, but by the way you act.

Now on to hair. If you're a brunette and you wish that you were a blonde, trust me you DON'T. Being fair doesn't make you prettier, it's just annoying! When you're fair you can't stay in the sun too long as you get sunburt within ten minutes. The word 'tan' isn't - nor will ever be- in your vocabulary. You can get sick really easily and fair people are usual hyper-sensitive (referring to skin, eyesight, bruising etc.. not to feelings and emotions). Trust me, it's not a fun ride. If you're a blonde wishing to be a brunette, just accept yourself the way you are. Even if you dye your hair, you're still fair and open to all the other disadvantages. I guess the point is, stop wishing you were someone else.

One must wear clothes that suit them, they shouldn't copy their friends or anyone off the media. It's good to get advice on things before you buy, but you shouldn't do everything they say because what suits them won't necessarily suit you.

With all this in mind, the following statement can be concluded; True beauty comes from within, what you look on the outside is just a shell holding your true beauty. Your personality, your character, your open heart and your loving soul.

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