I got some advice about studying. For those of you who take Italian, English or really any other language, here's what I do to make studying easier. The best way to study a language is to listen to it. Those who have Italian and have channels in Italian, make it point to watch at least an hour a day. You'll be surprised the difference it makes. Trust me, at the age of six/seven-ish, I already understood Italian (and no, I don't live in Italy). I understood it because back then, we didn't get English TV, it was all in Italian so eventually my mind got used to the language. It only made sense to further my studies by taking it at school. This tip helps in any language.
To listen to the language helps you understand, but it doesn't teach you how to spell. To do this, you must read. Now don't groan. reading is an incredible thing, it's a whole new world of adventure, it's fun, you just have to find the right book. Back to the point, if you read, then words, phrases, tenses- everything, will practically come into your mind. Tests, homework and exams will become so much easier. So much so that I barely study for my English exam, this is because I always have my nose stuck in a book! Now I'm not saying exaggerate, there's no need to overdo-it, hey if you like reading than go ahead and read all day, but if you don't like it so much, then read at least an hour a day. The difference it makes is great, it help your reading skills, writing and spelling skills and your conjugation abilities.
Now that you know the tricks, you have to remember your orals. It's useless if you can read and write but can't speak. I would know, I'm constantly reading but this doesn't help me vocally. When I have to read out loud I freeze, I start rambling and tripping on words, luckily I know a trick for this too. First of all, if you're going to speak in front of people, and especially if you have stage-fright like me, you have to pretend you're alone. Pretend that there's no one there. And realize this; there's no need to rush your words. Speak loudly enough so the teacher/ audience will hear, speak clearly and remember to enunciate your words. If it's a language with a lot of accents like French, remember to pronounce them well. Speaking your passage in front of a mirror also helps with vocal aid. I don't know why but it does.
These are the main tips I can think of. In short, Listen. Read. Enunciate- Speak. I hope this helped you in some way or other, comment below with your thoughts, we're always happy to receive your feedback. You can also comment about what you wish our next post to be about, we'll post it as soon as we possibly can.
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