
Thursday, 31 May 2012


Friendship is a beautiful thing. It's a blessing, it brings you joy. Friendship is a gift one should enjoy opening everyday. Friendship is a horizon which expands whenever we approach it. When you find a friend, you find a treasure. A lot of us have many friends to go around, if they have a fight with one, they can turn to the other. But this isn't right. Friendship is an incredible thing and shouldn't be tainted because of a spat. Many take having friends and bonds for granted. We've grown used to talking to our friends everyday. But sometimes we forget how precious the bond friends share is. Friendship takes years to build, but only seconds to break. True friendship is like a rose, we don't realize its beauty till it fades. So we must love and cherish every moment and love and care for all of our friends. True friendship is like a pretty flower, worn close to the heart, never gets withered by age but grows and flourishes with time. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there. True friends are like mornings, you can't have them the whole day, but you can be sure they will be there when you wake up next day, next week, next year, forever.       

"What made us friends 
in the long ago 
when we first met?
Well I think i know.
The best in me and the best in you
found eachother because they knew,
that always and always
since life began,
us being friend
was part of God's plan."

Friends will come and friends will go,
the seasons will change and it will show,
I will grow and so will you,
But our friendship stays, strong and true.

Re: Status quo

I agree with gillianne98. I mean, it's really nice to have your own group and all, who wouldn't want it! But that's no reason to exclude others from it. I know from experience. We have our own group at school and we never exclude others, so much so that our group has expanded from two to four to nine! And honestly, it's so much more fun now than it was before. One needs friends, being around others helps you grow, increases your confidence and gives you an energy boost! Plus, it's a great way of escaping from your problems, at least for a bit. Only God knows how much we laugh and joke around. And who knows how many NDEs (near death experiences) we've had because of laughing so hard! Either almost suffocating or almost choking (that reminds me, don't eat or drink while you're laughing ---baaadd idea), because we were laughing too much (in a good way)! Keep friends around you and you'll have a brighter day :D

Status Quo.... seriously?

Ok, I've been thinking lately; what's up with everbody? I mean, why are people grouping themselves and ignoring others. Trust me, I have nothing against having a group of your own, but ignoring and putting others down? And why? To make ourselves feel better about ourselves?   Sometimes, all this can result in bullying. So what if that girl likes a science subject, or does well in school? Does that make her a nerd? I say NO to the status quo? What is it in reality? Some glorified way of picking our friends? That's just crazy. And another thing, Why racisim? So what if that person has a different skin or colour? Or believes in a different religion or has a different culture? In reality, we're all the same. Peace                                                                                                                     
                                                                                           - Gulie98   

Hold on to hope

When life seems to feed off of your despair, just search deep within yourself and find something that makes you feel happy, something to make you feel the slightest shred of hope. When you find it, grab on to it and don't let go. Always remember, even when things are at their worst, when you feel that you've lost everything, there will always be one thing, one person who will never bail on you and who you can hold on to. The slightest bit of hope can determine the difference between a lost cause and a happy day. If something (or someone) made you give up, remember this; Just because you lost the battle, doesn't mean you lost the war. Never give up hope. 

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Re: Warning

I have to agree with my fellow admin, CC here. Besides a book, do not take your phone, tablet, game console, or anything that conects with the net while on the john. If you want my advice, take something boring with you to get 'the deed' over with... like a physics text book :P
                                                                                               - Gulie98

Monday, 28 May 2012



Calm down, relax

Sometimes it's nice to just relax, put your feet up, read a book, watch a movie and not worry all the time!
  - especially intended for those currently doing exams
(studying still needs to be done, just don't forget to have a break now and then)

Sunday, 27 May 2012

An introduction

hello people of the internet! This is CC posting. I am one of the admins of this site. Indigo Art is a blogging site. There is -nor will be- just one specific topic. This site will be about anything and everything. Book reviews, movie reviews, advice, forums, music, poetry-- anything you can think of! We here at Indigo Art also want our readers involved, so feel free to leave a comment about what the next blog should be about.   

P.S to comment, you have to click on the title of the post, this will take you to a page where the post is alone and the comment box is visible underneath it :D